Convert Your Podcast to Text

Transform your podcast episodes into accurate text transcripts with AI. Upload your file and get a precise transcription in minutes. Sign up for free for longer uploads and more features.

MP3, WAV, or M4A up to 5MB

Why Use Our AI Podcast Transcription Tool?

Fast Transcription

Convert hours of audio into text in just minutes with AI-powered speed

High Accuracy

Advanced AI ensures precise transcriptions with excellent word accuracy

Easy Formatting

Clean, well-formatted text with speaker detection and timestamps

Searchable Content

Make your podcast content searchable and accessible

How It Works


Upload Your Audio

Upload your podcast episode (MP3, WAV, or M4A format)


Process Audio

Our AI analyzes and converts your audio to text


Get Your Transcript

Download your accurate, formatted transcript in minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

What file formats are supported?

We support MP3, WAV, and M4A audio files up to 5MB in size.

How accurate is the transcription?

Our AI provides high accuracy for clear audio, typically above 95% accurate for professional podcast recordings.

How long does transcription take?

Most transcriptions are completed within 2-3 minutes, depending on the length of your audio file.